Taylor Horsman


My name is Taylor, and I will be teaching this class! I have been cutting hair for 13 years now. To this day, I scour YouTube and travel to meet my idols to learn as much as I can. I’ve had the pleasure of servicing all different types of people and hair types in my years. I’ve also apprenticed many barbers from ZERO experience, many have gone on to open their own shops. (Lord Barber Co., Forum Barber, Saving Face Baldwinsville to name a few..)

I realized that teaching is my passion. Which is why we opened this school. For a long time it’s been a hard industry to break into, but it’s been so good to me and my family and I love to see others find the same success.

Check out my personal hair page at @mr.butterfingerz on instagram to see my work! If you have any questions about the course or want to come see the spot, don’t hesitate to reach out.